Screenshots, videos, guides, musings,and stories about various PC games.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Encounter on the S.S. Anne

Aboard the S.S. Anne, I'm about to visit the Captain to ask to see his "Cut" technique. But then -- cue theme music!

Ego. We meet again. I think Gary's Elecrabuzz beat up my Magby back in the  day, but in subsequent encounters I've trounced him. Of course, back in Cerulean I misused Gaia and she was a bit roughed-up, but still.

He leads with a Golbat. I lead with a feint to the left, then a THUNDERPUNCH! to the right.

I gotta admit this bull looks more impressive than his previous iteration, but he's no match for Matthias' roar of fire.

Since Matthias just leveled up, I decide to send in Thaddaeus to meet Kirlia, mostly because I couldn't remember who Kirlia was. I forgot she was the second-evolution of psychic Ralts, and thus not a good match for a Fighting-type like Thad. Normal-type moves it is! One scratch wounds her, she wastes an opportunity with Double-Team, and then another scratch finishes her off.

I'll give Electrabuzz credit for surviving a Karate Chop. He manages to paralyze Thad, then hits him with an electric move -- "Shock", I think. 

Not that it mattered when the next Karate Chop was a critical hit.  We'll meet again, my nemesis...

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