Screenshots, videos, guides, musings,and stories about various PC games.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Glimpses of Battlefront

Recently I purchased Star Wars: Best of PC, which netted me Republic Commando, Jedi Knight II, Battlefront, Knights of the Old Republic, and Empire at War. I've been playing them for the past month or so, and all have been new experiences for me. Battlefront is a third- or first-person shooter in which the player, other human players, and NPCs battle on large maps dotted with control points. The control points effect how many troops either side can send into battle.

Jabba's Palace, spotting Han for the first time.

At the Battle of Geonosis: a very brave clone trooper moves among a Spider Mech's legs firing at it.

Tatooine, Imperials v. Rebels. Fighting in Mos Eisley, that celebrated hive of scum and villainy.

Kamino: bad news for the Clones. The Confederacy of Independent Systems has captured the cloning facilities and is now wiping out the survivors. The droideka is a powerful unit, impervious to small-arms fire with its shields up.

That explosion just took out part of a Rebel squad moving through the tunnel, and the guy who survived won't live for long.

At the Battle of Hoth: yes, I AM about to fire a rocket up an AT-AT's tuchus.

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